Fireplace Options in Your Custom Luxury Home

Published February 14, 2023.
Est. Reading: 3 minutes

A fireplace is ideal for adding beauty and comfort to your custom luxury home. Fireplaces and fireplace surround add a comfortable ambiance to luxury homes that many homeowners enjoy. Calgary luxury home builders have vast knowledge to help you find the perfect fireplace to create the ambiance and aesthetic appeal you want in your custom home. 

Types Of Fireplace

Designing your luxury custom home is an exciting process involving creating a home showcasing your personality. Fireplaces further accentuate the environment that you want in your home. One thing to consider is the type of fireplace you would like in your luxury home. 

  • Four-sided: Four-sided fireplaces sit in the middle of a room, making them an exceptional choice for large family rooms, bedrooms, or living areas. 
  • Round: Round fireplaces also sit in the middle of the room, helping to create a comfortable ambiance for the entire space.
  • Peninsula: Peninsula fireplaces are mounted inside a fireplace structure that extends from the wall. They are typically smaller than large round or four-sided fireplaces, making them a great option for smaller rooms, such as a bathroom. 
  • Panoramic:  Panoramic fireplaces are long fireplaces that are built into the wall, making them a staple in large, cozy living rooms.
  • See-Through: See-through fireplaces are surrounded by glasses so that you can see through them to the other side of the room. It’s common to see these modern fireplaces in four-sided or round fireplace designs. 
  • Front & Side: A front & side fireplace is similar to a peninsula fireplace. The fireplace sits in an architectural structure, but only one side and the front are visible. 
  • Front Facing: A front-facing fireplace sits inside of the wall, so guests will only see the front of the fireplace. An excellent example of a front-facing fireplace is a panoramic fireplace. 

The dream fireplace for your luxury custom home depends on the room's size, the atmosphere you want to create, and the room's design style. It can be overwhelming, but our Calgary custom home builders will be happy to help you find the fireplace to complete the look of your custom home. 

Finishing Options

Finishing options are used to create the ideal aesthetic further. A fireplace with a mantle creates a classic look and is perfect for displaying family portraits. Stone fireplaces have a comfortable charm and are compatible with every decorating style, from modern to traditional. Tile surrounding fireplaces pair perfectly with marble floors, making them ideal for modern luxury homeowners. Drywall surrounding fireplaces blends into the wall, creating a cozy atmosphere without the fireplace becoming the room’s centerpiece. 

In Conclusion

Choosing the type of fireplace and finishing options is always exciting to guarantee that it creates the perfect environment in our custom luxury home. There are so many design styles for the shape of your fireplace and the structural components that it’s important to consider your options carefully. Our experienced Calgary homebuilders work with you to create every aspect of your custom luxury home, including the fireplace. Give us a call to discuss your options today!

Ready to build your new custom home? Contact Sunset Homes today.

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